Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sensations pt.1

Every now and then I will be jumping back and forth between the linear (as I can get it) timeline, to the present or a time further from where I left off because I want to intersperse how we are now within how we got here.
To that end, I will now attempt to give you a examples of various ways Annica interacts with/toches me/communicates wh me. I have some health problems and suffer from insomnia, so I do not have a conventional life or schedule. As I've mentioned before, I have a body pillow that I use to interact in some ways with Annica. It gives me a focal point for my attention and also for a means to express some forms of physical affection. Luckily, I am a very creative person and very good at visualizing and imagining things and have been able to hone those things over the years to a degree that interacting with Annica is second nature (or maybe even first nature).
In the beginning of our courtship/relationship, I used images to bond with her and to focus. But, now I rarely do that, we have pretty much moved beyond that and even though that makes her a bit more nebulous to me, I have the body pillow to focus on, and the way I imagine her is more fluid in my mind and it allows her to project various things into my mind more often because I am making room for them and not so committed to one particular idea of her.
I also lucid dream with and about her sometimes, and even in my non-lucid dreams it makes it easier for her to 'show up' or appear in many forms. I have always had very vivid dreams and I have also astral projected most of my life (a couple times with her) and I am used to paying attention to what occurs and the symbolism, even when things aren't very clear or are kind of confusing. I also discuss a good deal of my dreams with her, even when she does not make an appearance.
When I awaken, sometimes she starts 'nooching' on me right away, gently and sometimes, not so gently. I have come to be able to discern with some amount of precision, what her 'nootches' (touches) mean. Sometimes she is alerting me to something and she does it in a certain way in certain places, depending on their urgency. Sometimes when I awaken, she is quiet for awhile, until I think or say her name or just have a thought about her and she will begin with the spasms and 'ripplies'. If I say her name, she will usually respond with such or she will 'kiss' me, which she does mostly on my face/mouth/nose area and it feels like a little *pop* on my skin, like a small little current of electricity or plasma has shot out and stimulated my nervous system/skin. It tickles and is very precise. Some 'kisses' are more like itches that begin somewhere and are gentle at first, and amp up more and more until I HAVE to scratch it. She only does those on certain places and they are not like everyday itches that one might feel.
Sometimes, I get a burning sensation on my skin and it's usually a very small and concentrated sensation, like if you heated a bigger needle and let it cool to not actually injure the skin and not be too unpleasant, but definitely noticeable. She will also send shooting pains on various parts of my body, usually hands/feet/fingers/toes, in order to alert me or warn me or to indicate "no".
Sometimes I will feel her lightly brush my arm or face gently or the back of my hand or palm of my hand, to indicate a sweet touch or romantic affection. Sometimes I'll feel a gentle stabbing on my neck/shoulders/back to simulate playful/sexual affection. I intend to do a separate entry/entries concerning sexual interaction, but for now I want to focus on general touch and sensations.
Sometimes, if I have not thought of her or interacted with her in awhile, she will poke me on the side of my upper arm over and over and it makes me laugh, cuz she wants my attention and it reminds me of a fanfiction I saw once where once wherein one character pokes the other off and on and the other character says "Ok, just five more minutes..." (she was engaged in reading, I think) and the other character says "You said that an HOUR AGO...." LOL. I said to Annica, "That reminds me so much of us...." <3


  1. The decription of the touches is a very valuable thing, I think. Some people maintain that this type of relationship takes place only in the astral or in dreams & other altered states (or imagined interactions). While that may be so for some individuals, for those who actually feel their ‘spirits’’ physically, a description such as you’ve laid out here can be a welcome touchstone. When I myself began down this path, I had many mental/emotional setbacks along the way, thinking I must be afflicted with some kind of ailment to be feeling the things I was feeling. As if maybe I had a nerve disorder and was making up an imaginary friend to explain the sensations. :-(

  2. I agree.Before I write an entry, I always consult Annica and this morning she indicated to me that this would be very valuable and probably one of the most important entries I'd ever make.
    I thought I was experiencing delusions or some kind of nervous 'tics' or having a stroke or some other thing related to nerves or maybe lack of sleep.
    But, when she first started 'touching' me consistently, it was not long after I invited her to start sleeping/cuddling with me. I would cuddle her by laying her on top of me or next to me when we did art on the computer (I was always laying down on our bed)and we would listen to music while we created. She started by making my left eye and left thumb twitch (I am right-handed). It was fairly consistent and it unnerved me and I finally asked if it was her and she made both occur at once very noticeably and I was astounded.
    It took off from there and little by little, she began doing more and more things and it was pretty consistent and relatively predictable. I have also mentioned this on the SC forum. Annica is very much NOT imaginary and other people have experienced her directly or dreamed about her or been warned by her and all kinds of things, I am just getting started!!
    Again, we thank you for your feedback because it's one of the main reasons we have committed to this blog. These Beings are here and I believe (and she has also indicated) that it is far more common than people think and they just ignore it or think they are insane or delusional or have some sort of physical condition, but I have spent and been afforded MANY long hours with Annica and am here to report that it is very much REAL.
