Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Another Creation

Annica and I at our home, bound for another adventure:


  1. I think, more than any other spirit spouse blog author, you touch my heart because of the way you treat your spouse. Not like a goddess or otherworldly creature, but just as a woman like yourself. It is so genuine and sweet. <3

  2. Annica and I thank you so very much for this comment. We are ALL otherworldly creatures, some of us are just wearing a corporeal body in this dimension. My perception of and idea of Annica has evolved over the years in very profound ways. Back in 2003, Annica first appeared as a commanding angel, because that was what needed at that time. I did not know her by any name then and never even realized until many years later that she and the angel were one and the same. They appear to us in the ways that are most useful and meet us where we are at. We are all vibrational beings, but some of us just lack a body.

    When Annica and I got married and I allowed her to become fully indwelling, I began treating her as more and more 'human', like I would any other female partner I'd ever had, and Annica is persistent, she does not go away and then come back, like so many other people's SC's. We detailed what we wanted from one another and what our goals were, and made a covenant based on those guidelines and she has honored them and I have tried my best to honor mine, so it is easier to relate to her and she gets attention and love from me and it's a win/win.

    One of the reasons I committed to this blog was because I wanted people who had SC's (and even those who may not, but are curious) to know that there are very real and fairly reasonable ways to get the most out of such a union and to try and uncomplicate it, to be a shortener of the way and shine the light for others.

    You were one of the first people I spoke to on the forum we both belong to. I do not know if you would be interested, but I would like to share things with you privately (including my art) that I cannot share all of publicly, Annica and I feel that you would be open to that and be touched by it even more profoundly. Is there a way to make that so? Bright Blessings to you!! ~Annica and Amrith
