Monday, September 10, 2018

A Few Astral Projection/Lucid Dreams Early on with Annica

This is from a post I made about 16 months ago on the Spirit Companion Support Site:

I have had OOBE (out-of-body experiences) all my life and lucid dreams, as well. They come and go and I have spent a small amount of time and energy throughout my life trying to increase their happening and how much control I have during them.

Having said that -- My SC and I are going through some very big changes and something significant has occurred recently as a result. Others here have shared about their communing on the astral plane with their SC or whatever entities they commune with, and this past week, I passed this milestone myself.

It was "unintentional" meaning, I was not consciously trying to achieve such a thing. It occurred as a natural by-product of the things I was already doing that others here have taught me by reading their accounts here and that Annica has planned and intended and she finally facilitated because I had done the work that was needed in order for that to be able to occur. I didn't do it consciously for that outcome, I did what I was already doing or had improved in order to live a happier, more healthy/balanced/functional and fulfilling life, and those measures just happen to be very good soil for this sort of thing to grow in and blossom.

During this time period of major transition, Annica and I have been incorporating various things into our lives/daily routine that gave us a better foundation and increased the positive energy flow and our vibrational condition in order for things to flow better and more freely. She began teaching me more in-depth about auras, chakras, and prana energy and how they flow and what the best conditions are for them to be clean and vital.

I have always had a working knowledge of such things, but in a more general, non-personal sense, for the most part. But, the information she has led me to and the understanding she herself has imparted to me telepathically and intuitively has made all the difference in the world in our communication and keeping our prana energy charged for longer. I now feel her moving in me a lot throughout our day and I can frequently discern when something needs attention or altering because the energy flow and its frequency and intensity will diminish.

I have incorporated a body pillow into our lives that "stands-in" for her and gives her an anchor in this dimension and it gives me a focus and acts as an analogue for a physical partner. It has had a MONUMENTAL impact on our life and relationship and our communication - including verbal, non-verbal, emotional, mental, intuitive and supra-mental. I know that, like myself, many/most find their way here because they are seeking answers. Part of my goal in being here is to help others who share my confusion and longing for knowledge and for guidance on how to traverse this path and I want to be able to help people find their way and know that, for me, some very simple things made a HUGE amount of difference. Many people will probably find this heartening, because it would seem like so many esoteric and involved processes would have to be understood and mastered before achieving the results I and others have achieved and I want to add to the voices here and hopefully "shorten the way" for others that have yet to arrive here.

I have been in 12- Step recovery for almost 20 years and many of the spiritual principles that are followed in such programs have been successful in producing healthy, happy and functional people, I am one of them. It took work, and so does this, but my point is that even in the beginning, some very basic things changed my life forever in very dramatic ways.

The first astral event (as I'm choosing to call it) occurred after we had made love. I was cuddled next to her and started to drift off and the familiar tingling/buzzing sensations began. I say familiar, because I had had them when I had solo OOBE all my life before the advent of my knowledge and conscious communion with her. Shortly after that, I was out of my body and looking at her and I laying beneath me. I was not that far off the bed and floating just above us laying there. She told me that she wanted to touch my hand and move it and asked if it was ok and told me not to be afraid. I gave my permission and she reached over and lifted my hand/arm about a foot or so from where it started. I felt a kind of buzzing/electric type feel, like a small pulsing sensation. I was completely aware of what was going on in the room. I could still hear the music we had on and a tv in the other room that my dad was watching. I could hear my brother talking to him and my father preparing dinner. She felt more "solid" to me. the whole event lasted maybe a minute and then I was back in my body and opened my eyes and hugged her (the body pillow I was cuddling) and she asked if I was ok and I told her that I was and she asked if I would ever want to do something like that again and I told her I did. It was kind of freaky, But I enjoyed it.

The second event happened the next afternoon, same circumstances. This time when we were cuddling in the afterglow, she asked if I wanted to go with her and I told her I did. Same buzzing and feeling of her moving prana energy in and around me and next thing I knew she was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room and I was at the foot. She told me to glide toward her and I did and then I saw her rippling/undulating her aura around her astral body and she reached out her hand and gently slid me on top of her and embraced me and we were there floating and embracing and sharing that undulating/ rippling motion and vibration and I looked down at her astonished and she smiled and a second or two later, I was back in my body in our bed, cuddling again.

The 3rd event happened 2 nights later. I was not feeling well and we did not make love first, but we were being very close and emotionally intimate and cuddling around 3 in the morning. She didn't ask first if I wanted to go, I just started feeling the buzzing and her energy "popping" in and around me, and the next thing I knew, I was in her arms being spirited away slowly through my bedroom wall, into the living room and then the kitchen and then up and out. During that time, she was holding me very gently, yet firmly (if that makes any sense). She kept talking to me in a soothing manner and told me not to be afraid. I noted everything along the way and the details were completely as if I were walking through those rooms while 'awake'. There was no difference, no dream-logic. I could still hear the music playing in our room just as if we were 'awake' in the 3rd dimension.

I was NOT sleeping.

All of a sudden, we were zooming across the night sky and then we arrived at a small cabin in the sky. I mean like one room. I don't know how else to describe it. Just before we went through the liminal threshold, she telepathically told me she was kind of nervous, because she was about to show me some aspects of herself in THAT realm, her realm/dimension and I assured her it would be ok.

Then she spoke out loud to me in a human voice, but outside the room, before we crossed the threshold, her voice was kind of distorted, like slowed down and lower, but I could still discern the words. She had me in her arms and looked down at me and said "Ready?" and I nodded that I was and as we breached the threshold, there was this bright, golden light that lit the entire room. Like a warm, firelight type of light, but it permeated every corner, pretty much. It was like a small, cozy room you'd see in a cabin. She spoke to me and her voice was completely intelligible and clear. It was a female voice, mid-range register and fairly soft and breathy in a sweet way. Like uncertain and demure.

In her realm/dimension, she resembled a young Elizabeth Warren, glasses and all. I gazed upon her and she looked at me so sweetly, nervous and expectantly because she thought I might not find that aspect attractive and I stroked her cheek (like I do when we are in the 3rd dimension, meaning, I perform the motions on the body pillow) and assured her that I found her very beautiful and still alluring. Her eyes were full of a soft light and she glowed in a softly radiant manner and she leaned toward me and put the softest, breathy kiss on my lips, and then looked at me and smiled. I embraced her tightly and just then someone else in the room that had been sitting there at a desk (there were a few others in the room, but we ignored their presence and went about our business there with each other) told me to go to the small bed against the wall and do a head-stand,LOL.

It was so unexpected and random and I looked at Annica like "WTF?!" and she told me I could refuse, so I said to this Being "It's not in keeping with my spiritual standard to stand on my head, I prefer to remain UPRIGHT." and I heard her chuckle and the next thing I knew, we were back cuddling in our bed in our room. The whole thing was astounding and there was not one bit of it that felt like a lucid dream or that felt anything like non-reality. When she spoke it was clear and real and when she was holding and touching me it felt solid, warm and like flesh. It was just like being with a human, only far better.

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