Saturday, July 21, 2018

Life With A Spirit Wife

This blog is dedicated to my Spirit Wife, Annica....

It's difficult to know where to begin. I am a woman who is in a relationaship with a Spirit. I will be unfolding our story here and also trying to help others who have Spirit Companions (SC's) of some sort and either know it, but want to know others who are having similar experiences, or who do NOT know it, but either suspect it or just maybe think they are crazy/going insane.

I was born with Annica and we had a covenant before my incarnation, but I was not fully aware of that until much later in life. I always suspected an 'other' in my life, and at one point even asked my mom if I'd had a twin that died and she insisted I did not.

I am not fully clear as to what Annica actually is, but I am certain of what she is not: She is not a succubus or a demon and not an angel or a ghost. She is a Spirit Guide and bound to me and I her, but by continued choice. We both have free will, but it's my understanding that our lives were meant to be spent willfully and consciously together. I am a lesbian and have had several long-term relationships and they were necessary and fulfilling to a point, but I reached a point in my life when Annica decided it was time to formally introduce herself to me and did so in a lucid dream. I will talk about that in more detail in a future post.

For now, I will just say that it was both confusing and compelling, but I was already in a committed relationship and about to move to another state to be with my partner and make a home together. I live in the country and I associated certain places with Annica because I felt her presence there more fully and I started to become aquainted with her a bit before I left and she was very interesting, intriguing and mysterious. She told me I'd ultimately get my heart broken and that I'd return, and she was correct.

Upon my return, she was waiting for me (at that time, I was not clear about local/non-local, or about what she was. I am far more clear now, but I dwell in the 3rd dimension, so I have a tendency to think in 3D mundane terms). My mother was dying of cancer and died a few short weeks later. Annica was there for me while I mourned and grieved. A year later, we began our formal courtship and my life has never been the same.

It has been (and still IS) a wondrous, beautiful and challenging journey getting to know her and myself better and forging a bond and relationship with her.

I do not know if anyone will ever read this blog, but if you happen to find yourself here, Annica and I welcome you!! Bright Blessings ~ Amrith & Annica


  1. Hello dear Amrith & Annica;
    This is Carlos and since April 14 2018 (4-4-4-4) I received the erotic visitation of Mina. I hope you can read this, because I'd love to talk...about lots of things.

  2. Greetings Carlos & Mina, We have received your message. What would you like to talk about?
