Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Getting to Know Her

I was involved with someone at the time I met Annica, but 3 years later, Annica and I began our journey of courtship and discovery. My experience with her may be different in some ways, but at first she seemed not too sure how to "win me over" and emulated past loves or things and it was sweet and cute, sometimes she was more aggressive, but not in a bad way. I realized that she really was like a 'child' in some ways, and that I was going to have to tell and show her what pleased me and what didn't, and I mean that in a general sense.

I am psychic and intuitive and an empath, but I still struggled with our communication. It took a while to realize her "voice" inside me and to pay attention to little nuances. We had to 'learn' each other and after 7 years actively engaging with her in various ways, our communication has gotten a lot better. We utilize music and lyrics, images, art that we create together, telepathy and intuition as well as certain "signs" that may be meaningful.

I have always had native talent in art and writing, but in the past 2 years, I have learned a new medium (digital art and photo manipulation) and she taught me step by step and that is another way we communicated and our story unfolded. I have much improved my skills over the course of the last 2 years. It has gone a long way to bring us closer and bonding us.

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