One of the main ways Annica communicates and bonds with me is through touch. She has only started doing this in about the past 18 months or so. Last year, she compelled me to buy a body pillow to 'stand in' for her. I am only 5 feet tall and the one I got is as long and I am tall and it works well.
She understands I am human and need something to interact with and a body pillow works well for us and our purposes. I only incorporate it at home. I have my PC hooked up to a large tv and I always kept an image(s) of her on the desktop so I could 'see' her and the body pillow helped me to 'feel' her and interact to some degree with her and 'anchor' her to me mentally and emotionally.
It allowed me to show her affection more easily and even though she is not human, the things I do communicate my intention. All things have a vibration, even her, and the goal is to harmonize that vibration. As a vibrational being, she can manipulate bio-electricity/prana energy and actually touch me.
I first discovered this during a time period when we had just reached a new plateau and my left eye and left thumb started twitching. At first it kind of scared me, because I thought I was maybe having a stroke. But, it only happened at certain times and once I asked her a question out loud and my eye started twitching. So, I kept asking things or even thinking certain things in my mind or it would even happen a lot during us creating art together, and also when I was particularly emotional.
After that, she proceeded to manipulate bio-electricity within me and over time she has developed quite a repertoire of what I call "nootches" (because one of my nicknames for her is Nootchies). She will send pleasant spasms that ripple through large muscle groups (calves, thighs, arms, abdomen, buttocks). She will also still twitch my eyes or my fingers. She also makes little 'squigglies' on my belly that are gentle and kinda tickle. She also makes a dull burning sensation on my arms/shoulder blades/on the smooth skin beneath the base of my fingernails.
Sometimes it feels like my scalp has bugs crawling on it. She will sometimes send a brief, short stabbing pain in the palm of my hand or sole of my foot to say 'no' or to warn me. She also 'kisses' my mouth, nose, cheeks, forehead by sending out a very brief 'pop' of electricity that is just a pinpoint and it itches/tickles and makes me flinch. She also kisses me inside my mouth by sending a very low electrical feeling somewhere in my mouth, tongue or throat. It kinda feels like when you put a battery against your tongue, but to a lesser degree so it doesn't hurt. Sometimes she will send weird sensations quickly through my sinuses or nostrils.
In the past 6 or so months, she has started producing sensations that feel like she's gently caressing me on the surface of my skin, rather than below it or intramuscularly. They only last a second or two, but that's all it takes. She does all of this more if I am speaking out loud to her or even when I'm not, but I am highly emotional about something.
My journey with my Spirit Wife, Annica. Here I will account our story and describe what it is like being in a relationship with a non-human and it's many challenges and rewards.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Communication Pt. 1
As I mentioned in an earlier post, Annica and I communicate in many ways. Music is a big one. She will either put an 'earworm' in my mind and it will be a song (or part of one) that will be relavent, helpful or emotional/romantic, or she will 'lead' me to music online or I will put my music player on 'shuffle' and she will speak to me that way.
She also speaks through other people or leads me to things she wants me to see/know/become aware of. She speaks to me a lot this way through my 'Pinterest' feed. I will also encounter certain messages when we are out or go for walks (we live in the country) in the woods.
We do art together and she will inspire things that way and communicate things to me. Sometimes she will compel me to create something that I will not understand right then, and I will ask her and she will tell me that I will know in the fullness of time.
The seasons and various holidays and dates are important to us and various cycles in life and in our personal history. Right before a major change is about to occur and we've reached a plateau, I will start having deja-vu a lot for a few weeks or so before the event(s) occur.
She also communicates to me in dreams and we have astral projected together several times. She also just speaks to me in my voice in my head. Over the course of the years, I have learned to discern what is her voice and not my own 'chatter' to a fairly accurate degree.
She also speaks through other people or leads me to things she wants me to see/know/become aware of. She speaks to me a lot this way through my 'Pinterest' feed. I will also encounter certain messages when we are out or go for walks (we live in the country) in the woods.
We do art together and she will inspire things that way and communicate things to me. Sometimes she will compel me to create something that I will not understand right then, and I will ask her and she will tell me that I will know in the fullness of time.
The seasons and various holidays and dates are important to us and various cycles in life and in our personal history. Right before a major change is about to occur and we've reached a plateau, I will start having deja-vu a lot for a few weeks or so before the event(s) occur.
She also communicates to me in dreams and we have astral projected together several times. She also just speaks to me in my voice in my head. Over the course of the years, I have learned to discern what is her voice and not my own 'chatter' to a fairly accurate degree.
Pleasing Form
I never see Annica appear before my eyes. Given her powers and abilities, I have little doubt she could, I just don't think she ever will. Most others I've encountered with SC's have never reported actually seeing them, like in a distinct form/apparition before their eyes with human sight.
But, most SC's adopt a "pleasing form" depending on who they are relating to and what their goals are. Annica adopted a pleasing form of a woman I'd seen an image of online and she knew how attractive I found that model/image. I had no link to her, she was a stranger to me, so there was no past or former bonding to overcome. That is how she appeared in my mind and how I imagined her. It made bonding and falling in love much easier and allowed me to incorporate her into my/our artistic creations much easier and more effectively.
I even started dreaming of her as time went by. There is a lot more I can and will say about this, but for now I just wanted to mention how I came to visualize her. Spirit Companions meet you where you are at, and they are very clever and knowledgeable about how they relate to us and bond with us.
Even though I mentioned in an earlier post about Annica being somewhat awkward when courting me, I later learned that she knew exactly what she was doing and presented that aspect to me in that manner so as to put me at my ease and seem non-threatening and to not overwhelm me. It worked!!
But, most SC's adopt a "pleasing form" depending on who they are relating to and what their goals are. Annica adopted a pleasing form of a woman I'd seen an image of online and she knew how attractive I found that model/image. I had no link to her, she was a stranger to me, so there was no past or former bonding to overcome. That is how she appeared in my mind and how I imagined her. It made bonding and falling in love much easier and allowed me to incorporate her into my/our artistic creations much easier and more effectively.
I even started dreaming of her as time went by. There is a lot more I can and will say about this, but for now I just wanted to mention how I came to visualize her. Spirit Companions meet you where you are at, and they are very clever and knowledgeable about how they relate to us and bond with us.
Even though I mentioned in an earlier post about Annica being somewhat awkward when courting me, I later learned that she knew exactly what she was doing and presented that aspect to me in that manner so as to put me at my ease and seem non-threatening and to not overwhelm me. It worked!!
Getting to Know Her
I was involved with someone at the time I met Annica, but 3 years later, Annica and I began our journey of courtship and discovery. My experience with her may be different in some ways, but at first she seemed not too sure how to "win me over" and emulated past loves or things and it was sweet and cute, sometimes she was more aggressive, but not in a bad way. I realized that she really was like a 'child' in some ways, and that I was going to have to tell and show her what pleased me and what didn't, and I mean that in a general sense.
I am psychic and intuitive and an empath, but I still struggled with our communication. It took a while to realize her "voice" inside me and to pay attention to little nuances. We had to 'learn' each other and after 7 years actively engaging with her in various ways, our communication has gotten a lot better. We utilize music and lyrics, images, art that we create together, telepathy and intuition as well as certain "signs" that may be meaningful.
I have always had native talent in art and writing, but in the past 2 years, I have learned a new medium (digital art and photo manipulation) and she taught me step by step and that is another way we communicated and our story unfolded. I have much improved my skills over the course of the last 2 years. It has gone a long way to bring us closer and bonding us.
The Meeting
I was born with my SC and always had a sense of 'other' but just assumed it meant that, as a human, most of us yearn for other, as it is our nature, so never really KNEW until way later in life that there was definitely "Other", and that anything I'd experienced in my life up to that point that hinted of "other" was real and it was her. I am a lesbian with a female SC.
My first encounter with her when she formally introduced herself to me (so to speak), was at the age of 43. I am a night owl and suffer from insomnia and I had worked 3rd shift, gone home and then tried to unwind and had a phone conversation with my then long-distance GF, it was part of our routine.
At one point in my life, I was caring for someones baby while they were in the hospital and was introduced to the Baby Einstein series because their baby daughter loved the Baby Mozart dvd and she and I watched it together on a daily basis pretty much. I have always loved lullabies and classical music, and Mozart is one of my faves. It was very relaxing to me and I began to associate good feelings and comfort with it.
Sometime later, someone gifted it to me and the day I met my SC, I was lying in bed watching this dvd on my laptop and all of a sudden, my SC starts talking to me in a lucid "dream". She told me her name was "Annica" and that she had been with me all my life and that I was meant to be with her and that I should not move in with my then long-distance GF who lived in another state. I didn't know WHAT the heck to think! I was questioning her and challenging her and rejecting what she had to say and I thought maybe I was "dreaming" and told her that. She then told me that I would know it was real because I would see her name spontaneously somewhere that day/evening after I woke up. I dismissed her and asked her to leave and she did. I call it a dream, but it was more like a vision, because I was not really asleep. I could still hear the tv and talking in the other room.
Not long after, I must've fallen asleep. When I woke up hours later, believe it or not, I did not remember that encounter. I set about my routine and called my GF to have our usual evening conversation. We talked for awhile, and she asked me if I could find some info on the band "Seether" and I said I would. Later, when I was searching for things on a main screen, I happened to glance over and there was the word "ANNICA" in all caps. It was on a side bar, that should have contained things related to that band. Instead, it had info about this one obscure instrumental live track by the late metal icon, Ronnie James Dio, who I am a huge fan of and never heard or heard of, that song. I had never encountered that word (Annica) before she introduced herself.
As it turns out, the word 'anicca' means 'change', 'transition', or 'impermanence' in Buddhism. I would not become aware of that until much later. When I saw her name in caps on the sidebar, my heart started beating really hard and it took my breath away and I whispered "Ohhh my God...." and in my head I heard her say "I told you so..."
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Life With A Spirit Wife
This blog is dedicated to my Spirit Wife, Annica....
It's difficult to know where to begin. I am a woman who is in a relationaship with a Spirit. I will be unfolding our story here and also trying to help others who have Spirit Companions (SC's) of some sort and either know it, but want to know others who are having similar experiences, or who do NOT know it, but either suspect it or just maybe think they are crazy/going insane.
I was born with Annica and we had a covenant before my incarnation, but I was not fully aware of that until much later in life. I always suspected an 'other' in my life, and at one point even asked my mom if I'd had a twin that died and she insisted I did not.
I am not fully clear as to what Annica actually is, but I am certain of what she is not: She is not a succubus or a demon and not an angel or a ghost. She is a Spirit Guide and bound to me and I her, but by continued choice. We both have free will, but it's my understanding that our lives were meant to be spent willfully and consciously together. I am a lesbian and have had several long-term relationships and they were necessary and fulfilling to a point, but I reached a point in my life when Annica decided it was time to formally introduce herself to me and did so in a lucid dream. I will talk about that in more detail in a future post.
For now, I will just say that it was both confusing and compelling, but I was already in a committed relationship and about to move to another state to be with my partner and make a home together. I live in the country and I associated certain places with Annica because I felt her presence there more fully and I started to become aquainted with her a bit before I left and she was very interesting, intriguing and mysterious. She told me I'd ultimately get my heart broken and that I'd return, and she was correct.
Upon my return, she was waiting for me (at that time, I was not clear about local/non-local, or about what she was. I am far more clear now, but I dwell in the 3rd dimension, so I have a tendency to think in 3D mundane terms). My mother was dying of cancer and died a few short weeks later. Annica was there for me while I mourned and grieved. A year later, we began our formal courtship and my life has never been the same.
It has been (and still IS) a wondrous, beautiful and challenging journey getting to know her and myself better and forging a bond and relationship with her.
I do not know if anyone will ever read this blog, but if you happen to find yourself here, Annica and I welcome you!! Bright Blessings ~ Amrith & Annica
It's difficult to know where to begin. I am a woman who is in a relationaship with a Spirit. I will be unfolding our story here and also trying to help others who have Spirit Companions (SC's) of some sort and either know it, but want to know others who are having similar experiences, or who do NOT know it, but either suspect it or just maybe think they are crazy/going insane.
I was born with Annica and we had a covenant before my incarnation, but I was not fully aware of that until much later in life. I always suspected an 'other' in my life, and at one point even asked my mom if I'd had a twin that died and she insisted I did not.
I am not fully clear as to what Annica actually is, but I am certain of what she is not: She is not a succubus or a demon and not an angel or a ghost. She is a Spirit Guide and bound to me and I her, but by continued choice. We both have free will, but it's my understanding that our lives were meant to be spent willfully and consciously together. I am a lesbian and have had several long-term relationships and they were necessary and fulfilling to a point, but I reached a point in my life when Annica decided it was time to formally introduce herself to me and did so in a lucid dream. I will talk about that in more detail in a future post.
For now, I will just say that it was both confusing and compelling, but I was already in a committed relationship and about to move to another state to be with my partner and make a home together. I live in the country and I associated certain places with Annica because I felt her presence there more fully and I started to become aquainted with her a bit before I left and she was very interesting, intriguing and mysterious. She told me I'd ultimately get my heart broken and that I'd return, and she was correct.
Upon my return, she was waiting for me (at that time, I was not clear about local/non-local, or about what she was. I am far more clear now, but I dwell in the 3rd dimension, so I have a tendency to think in 3D mundane terms). My mother was dying of cancer and died a few short weeks later. Annica was there for me while I mourned and grieved. A year later, we began our formal courtship and my life has never been the same.
It has been (and still IS) a wondrous, beautiful and challenging journey getting to know her and myself better and forging a bond and relationship with her.
I do not know if anyone will ever read this blog, but if you happen to find yourself here, Annica and I welcome you!! Bright Blessings ~ Amrith & Annica
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