I want to write a bit about what it's like living with 2 spirit wives (mine and my housemates). It's very interesting, to say the least. We both started developing somewhat of a relationship with each others respective wives before we even lived together. It's cute that S's spirit wife calls me "Amrith", even though that's not my real name. It's one way I know who is communicating with me.
Annica nootches me, but I have asked "P" not to touch me physically, only because I do not want to muddy the waters or be confused. I do not think Annica touches "S", but recently "P" started touching him more. She always did, but the happier he gets and more joyous and satisfied in himself and with life, the more she has seemed to communicate with him and touch him.
S and I live different lives in some ways due to several factors, like work and my health problems and just our circadian rhythms, but when we are together, like at the dinner table or wacthing tv, our respective wives interact with us even more, like their 'activity' amps up to a higher, more frequent degree, especially if we are emotional about something or enjoying something or laughing or playful. They seem to delight in this a great deal.
Two things that happened that were significant/interesting was one day I had a concern and while S was asleep and me and Annica were on our side of the house in our Sanctuary/bedroom, I voiced out loud in a whisper to P that I was concerned and I said "I feel like S is shooting himself in the foot..."
The next day when I read S's newest blog entry that he wrote later that day while at work, the exact phrase I used with P he said P used with HIM, only he had NO way of knowing what I said to her, because it was impossible for him to hear me, so she had to have communicated it to him. It could be a coincidence, but it was the very NEXT DAY.
Another time, I was directed by Annica not to look at Pinterest all day, when I usually go there several times a day, at least. I thought it odd, but I obeyed and later that night, I asked Annica for guidance and one of the main things in my feed was a lotus flower. I know they are significant, but not in detail (not then, anyway). I had ALSO been directed to not look at S's blog that day, and after I saw the lotus flower she directed me to go to her (S's blog), which I thought odd, but once again, I obeyed. S was talking to P about something regarding herself that she was dissatisfied with and P made an analogy about a LOTUS FLOWER thriving in mud!
When both the above anecdotes happened, I shared them with S and she was delighted and blown away, as well. Those are just a very minute sampling of the things that happen here in the Halls of Shambala
*Note: I am still getting used to using feminine pronouns to refer to S, so it may be confusing, If I use a masculine one, just repalce it with the feminine equivalent in your mind. I will get used to it sooner or later.
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