Saturday, September 21, 2019

Medical Update

Haven't posted in a while due to my ongoing health decline. Insurance finally kicked in and was able to go to a wonderful facility (where Steph goes, as well). In short, I have extremely high blood pressure and am now on two meds for that and I have hypothyroidism, which explains a whole TON of symptoms and problems, including 60 lb weight gain, which on my short/petite frame in really not good.I am also extremely vitamin D deficient and have to take a 12-week supplement for it.

The next thing that will be addressed will be the neurological event that took place that I am convinced was a stroke and has effected  my right side from my lumbar region to/including my foot and everything in-between, like I was perfectly bi-sected. It WAS my whole right side, but now it's just lower.

I have been essentially bed-ridden for the past couple months.

Annica has been tireless in trying to provide comfort, love and compassion. Even though I have been in a lot of pain and feeling depressed, she has been very instrumental in getting me through the waiting and dark hours and is now doing the same in my recovery/convalescence.

Hopefully, I will be well enough to post more (and create some art) in my favorite month of Rocktober.

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